Open Class List


Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Spring 2025 University Foundations Courses
40568 UFDN 1000 Traditional The Christian Faith 5 Esther Cen 40 open seats
40570 UFDN 1000 Traditional The Christian Faith 5 Doug Koskela 30 open seats
40571 UFDN 1000 Traditional The Christian Faith 5 Mike Langford 30 open seats
40593 UFDN 2000 Traditional Christian Scripture 5 Dave Nienhuis 30 open seats
40594 UFDN 2000 Traditional Christian Scripture 5 Esther Cen 30 open seats
40595 UFDN 2000 Traditional Christian Scripture 5 Mark Stone 30 open seats
40596 UFDN 3001 Traditional Christian Scripture for Transfer Students 5 Bo Lim 30 open seats
40597 UFDN 3100 Traditional Christian Theology 5 Segbegnon Gnonhossou 30 open seats
40598 UFDN 3100 Traditional Christian Theology 5 Segbegnon Gnonhossou 30 open seats
40599 UFDN 3100 Traditional Christian Theology 5 Alex Kato 30 open seats